Personal Letter

Nanang Firmansyah.    
Nongkojajar Street.       
Nongkojajar Pasuruan 

March, 18 2020
Dear Nanang Firmansyah

     How are you doing friends? I hope everything it's Ok. By the way I write this letter to invite you to join at program held at school.

       SDG's  International level programs created by the United Nations. The SDG's is also a step forward from and ended in 2015. The SDG's have 17th objectives. Some goals of SDG's are ending poverty in any form, ending hunger, ensure a healthy life and support human well-being, and ensure inclusive and quality education. 17th objectives has been symbolized as 17th symbols. So you can choose which one you want.

       Please send my regards to your family.
       I look forward to your reply soon.

Sincerely best friend



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